journal art stuff

An invitation to join me in an exciting exploration of all sorts of wild and wonderful ways of getting colour, texture, image and words on to the page.
For several years I have been fascinated with my own, and other people’s personal journals. Now I have a great collection of examples with widely differing styles and approaches.
I would like to share these ideas, provide an opportunity to try them out, and encourage you to develop something that works for you.
Sometime on the second day I will make suggestions about books that can be useful as journals, and show you some options. But this is NOT intended to be a book binding workshop, instead we’ll be concentrating on pages and content.
You can also bring along books you already have, hand made or otherwise, to work in if you wish.
PS. You don’t have to do any drawing at all if you don’t want to (So don’t be put off by that thought)
And NB Journals don’t even have to be about anything, They can just be a place to muck around and play about. A way of exploring your ideas and thoughts and ‘keeping your hand in’.

Lesson Plan

there will be lots of examples for you to study during the class, and I'll demonstrate many of my favourite techniques.
some of the things we'll try out : collage, paint, gesso, transfer printing, stamping and embossing, using stencils, inserts and shaping, stitching, different ways of creating and using text.

Requirement List

you will need: all your usual tools of the trade. for instance: pencils, pens, ruler, scissors, glue stick, (not liquid glue)
a wiping cloth, hand towel, shiny junk mail for messy work.
paper that you like to work on and that will support wet media
any acrylic or watercolour paints you have, and brushes, a container for water, and something to mix your paints on.
a magazine or old book to cut up,
maybe a few coloured pencils and / or felt pens.
collect a few things to work with: any images, colours, textures, patterns, words, objects, that appeal to you
Look for: odd papers:- tissue, wrapping, handmade, cellophane, magazine clips, metallic or foils, (choc wrappers!) for use in collage. photos - photocopy these , black and white, or colour.
significant messages - letters, cards, books, quotes, journals. (again photocopies) or some could be computer print out
fabrics - small scraps, especially fine or semi transparent fabrics, ribbons, etc. threads - for tying, wrapping, stitching. Needles to fit your threads.
found objects:- feathers, leaves, flowers,(pressed), buttons, beads, memorabilia.
Bring your dictionary ! Bring an open mind and a sense of humour !
I’ll provide lots of my favourite stuff for you to work with, and a set of notes for your furture reference.
materials cost to be advised.

children in law


love many things


in our next lives

ask yourself


class work KeriKeri 2011

class work KeriKeri 2011

Workshop Info

6 hours a day for 2 days

Skill Level » suitable for all levels
Cost » $50 per hour plus travel and accommodation